3 Etiquette Rules for Enjoying a Hot Hedo Threesome

Hedo Threesome Rules

Threesomes are one of life’s greatest and sexiest pleasures and always rounds the top of the list when it comes to many peoples most desired fantasy. Many couples are eager to have a threesome at Hedo, and while its not guaranteed, anything is possible at the world’s most infamous adult playground. So, that last thing you want to do is blow it.

Assuming you already found a willing and consensual participant to join, the two main reservations people tend to have when it comes to group sex are jealousy and the fear of being excluded. Because of this, we’ve put together 3 simple rules of etiquette that can help make your ménage a trois a sexy success. Once you’ve worked out that each party is willing, keep the following in check and you’ve got very little to be worried about.

1. Be Crystal

No, not your stripper alter-ego (although that does sound like it could be fun!). Be crystal clear. The best way to avoid mid-coital conflict is to be very clear on what boundaries exist for all parties involved. Don’t assume the other person wants a threesome merely because they’ve had one before and make sure to establish any limits everyone has.

2. Be Mindful of the 3rd

We’ve already gone through major faux paus to avoid when hunting the elusive unicorn, but there’s still more to know once you’ve reached the bedroom (or, ahem, The Playroom). Remember, your 3rd is a breathing, feeling human, not a sex toy. Its just as important to be clear and concise with them as it is to be with you partner. Enjoy a few drinks beforehand and take time vibing. Building up chemistry this way can translate very well between the sheets.

3. Be Safe

So, the thought of all that condom-switching during multi-partner sex may sound like a buzzkill but the last thing you want is to put the pause on future threesome adventures because you weren’t safe. Plus, when everyone feels safe and happy, they’re more likely to let loose and feel relaxed.

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